English Translation of the Cyrus Cylinder
Link to the book Cyropaedia by Xenophon
Isaiah’s Amazing Cyrus Prophecy — “The Gates Shall Not Be Shut”
Article on Babylon’s Ishtar Gate
The Cyrus Cylinder Lecture at the Metropolitan Museum in NY by Dr. John E. Curtis
Hebrew: Justice, Righteousness, & Law
The Bible Project Isaiah 40-66
Commentaries & Books
Isaiah, An Introduction and Commentary by Paul D. Wegner
Encountering the Book of Isaiah by Bryan E. Beyer
The Book of Isaiah, Chapters 1-39 by John N. Oswalt
The Book of Isaiah, Chapters 40–66 by John N. Oswalt
Assyria: The Rise and Fall of the World’s First Empire by Eckart Frahm
The Book of Isaiah: The Fifth Gospel by Leslie J. Hope