1. My name is A., from Meru Kenya. This was my first conference to attend. I thank God that I did attend. I learnt new things about God and my relationship with Him. My greatest lesson was the spraying of our sins that keep god away from us just like the insecticide that keeps mosquitoes away. I learnt pride kills but Humility gives life. I trust God to attend again next year.
2. I am Mrs K. from Kirinyanga, a kikuyu by birth. The women conference was an eye opener to me. Being from the Kikuyu tribe we are proud people and we always think we are to be served always. This was my first time in my life for anyone to wash my feet’s. This really humbled me to know that I need to serve others too, and pride chase God form my life. I want to serve God whole heartedly and I can only do that by serving others. The last gift from the Conference, the booklets we received has given me the starting point. Serving by teaching others the bible stories. I have a group of women who now met in my house to listen to the bible stories. I couldn’t have done this if not of the teachings I received from the conference. I take this opportunity to thank our teachers for giving us another chance in life.
3. Few years ago I was in the same situation Pastor Joshua and Joanna were in. My child had a problem with his bones. I was told by doctors that he will never walk or stand and he has only few months to live. Every time we prayed we reminded God He is our creator. Just like Pastor Joshua, we almost gave up but God did it. Our Son is able to walk and he is not dead 3yrs old now. Sharing their story gave me strength to trust God even more knowing that the God of America is also the God of Africa. Just like the candle that we were given my light and faith in God will keep glowing. I won’t allow Satan take the place of Christ in my life. Betty from Isiolo.
4. My name is M. from Maua. Am married to a drunkard and when he allowed me to go to the conference it was all smiles to me. Just from the first day I felt loved. Someone washed my feet and I did the same something I had never done in my life. I felt loved and the proof of the love of Christ to us. Then there was the spray, this made me asking myself could I be the one who is spraying my husband into drinking? Have I been a good wife to Him, what about my God, have I chased him or do I open my heart to Him? I made a vow when I will go home I will be a different woman, despite the abuses I will show love to my husband and my God. During the conference I kept asking God for something to take home to my husband to prove I was in the conference. I collected several brochures; the best of all is the booklets I received on the last day. The teachings were so great and I made new friends. When I arrived home as I had prayed in the conference I found my husband not drunk, He asked me how the conference was. I first thanked him for allowing me attend, I showed him the materials we were given, he took one of the books and started reading immediately. I went to the house and asked god to reveal Himself. That night we had blackout no power and I remembered the candles from the conference, as I lit it I prayer that God would bring light to my husband and his truth and love will glow in our family. My husband asked how I knew there will be no power and where I gotthe candle from I told him from the conference. My Joy now is that since I came back from the conference my husband has not been drunk again. He took the booklets from me and he keeps reading them quietly alone. Please Join me as I pray God to use this booklets and save my husband. Thank You so much out teachers for sharing your time and knowledge with us.